Introduction Pilgrim Church Glossary Cross-Reference
Introduction Pilgrim Church Glossary Cross-Reference
Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Sabellius, SABELLIANS, 86.
SACRAMENT, SACRAMENTS, salvation by means of, 26; tyrannical use of, 31; Priscillian on the,39, 40; of the Mass re-introduced into Bosnia, 62; Nestorian belief in salvation through the, 84;
Luther on the, 148-149; Menno's use of, 191; of the altar, 198;
Schwenckfeld on, 202; Labadie on, 263; Moravians and, 276.
Salzburg, 170.
Samarcand, 16, 33, 78, 81.
Sapor II, Persian king, 69.
Saragossa, 37.
Sarajevo, 66.
Sardis, 281.
Sarkis (Sergius), 51.
Sattler, Michael, 164-165.
Saunier, 219-220.
Savoy, Savoie, 91, 222.
Sawtre, William, 122.
Saxony, 237, 273, 274, 276.
Schafer, 273, 275.
Scharlinger, Jorg, 175.
Schepss, Georg, 38.
SCHOOLS, British missionary, 35;
Bohemian Brethren's, 131 ; of
Brethren of the Common Life,141.
Schuch, 214.
Schurman, Anna Maria van, 258, 259, 266-269.
Schwenckfeld, Kaspar von, 179; teaching, 200-207; 274.
Scott, Walter, 315-316.
Scrooby Manor House, 244.
Sears, Professor, 340.
SECEDERS, 305, 307.
Selucia-Ctesiphon, 69, 71, 83, 84.
Sembat, 51.
Sergius (Sarkis), 51.
Serre, Du, 232.
Serrieres, 216, 217.
Servetus, 225, 302.
Seyon, river, 216.
Shliha, 80.
Shusha, 351.
Siberia, 33, 319, 321, 327; believers exiled to, 330-332, 335, 336.
Sicily, 103.
Siena, 225.
Sigismund, king of Hungary, 64.
Silesia, 200,205.
Sillian, 175.
Silvanus, 45, 51.
Simeon Titus, 45-46.
Simon de Montfort, 88-89.
Sinope, 13.
Sixtus V, Pope, 108.
SLAV, old Church language, 322, 323.
Slavonia, 63.
Slawata, 135.
SMALCALD LEAGUE, 133, 146, 180.
Smith Elias, 311.
Smithfield, 122.
Smyrna, 8.
Smyth, John, 244, 245.
Snyder Sicke, 186.
SOCINIANISM, 224, 225.
Solaro, 219.
Soltania, Archbishop of, 81.
Sophia, St., church in Constantinople, 48.
Sorbonne, Paris University, 214
South Carolina, 276.
Sozini, Leilo and Faustus, 225.
Spalatin, 132.
Spalato, 61.
Spangenberg, 277.
Speedwell, ship, 245, 246.
Spener, Philip Jakob, 258; life and work, 270-272, 279, 394.
Spittelmeyer, Ambrosius, 170.
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, 391- 392.
Staupitz, Johann Von, discovers
Luther, 116; 132, 142; warns
Luther, 146.
Steier, 111
Steinach, 176.
Stephen, chosen by the church,103; 204.
Stilling, Jnug, 283.
Stokes, William, 349.
Stone, Barton Warren, 311-314, 315.
Stonettes, 316.
Strassburg, Waldenses burnt, 96- 97; a centre of the brethren, 104, heretical literature destroyed,105; Master Eckart, 106; Tauler,106-107; Rulman Merswin, 108; 109, 110; document describing the brethren, 111-112; Denck,161-162; 164, 179; Pilgram Marbeck, 196; refuge of fugitives from France, 215, 216; visit of
Vaudois Barbes, 218; 224; Frohlich, 343.
STUNDISTS, name, 325; 326; decree for suppressing, 334; 371, 395.
Sturm, to Melanchthon, 227.
Stylites, Simeon, 31.
Suffolk, congregations of believers,123.
SUNDAY SCHOOL, 299, 339.
Surinam, 269.
Suso, 106, 108, 109.
Sylvester, Bishop in Rome in time of Constantine, 20, 90, 91, 99, 130.
SYNAGOGUE, 3-5, 67.
SYNOD, at Rome excommunicates
Novatian, 15; Caesaraugusta,37; at Burdigala condemns Priscillianists, 37; at Treves approves sentence on Priscillian,37; at Braga confirms execution of Priscillianists, 37; at Constantinople condemns Bogomil teaching, 60; deposes bishops as Bogomils, 60; at Seleucia organizes Eastern churches 71- 73; Nestorian quadrennial s78; Seleucia, 83; Amsterdam
Leyden, Vlissingen, 262 Naarden, 262-263; Dordrecht Labadie expelled from Reformed
Church, 264; of Established
Church of Scotland of Antiburgers, Relief, condemns unlicensed preaching, 298, 299
Philadelphia, 305; Pittsburg,,308; Lexington, 313 at Bethlehem, opposes reform 324- 325; Holy s. opposes spread of
Scriptures, 325; persecutes believers, 328, 329, 330; issues decree for suppression of Stundists, 334-335.
SYNODS, introduced into French churches, 228, Provincial and
National, 228; restored by
Jacques Roger, 234; refused by
Independents, 260; adopted by
Reformed Church in Holland,260; condemned by Labadie,263; Alexander Campbell and,307.Tabor, 125.
Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z