Introduction Pilgrim Church Glossary Cross-Reference

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LABADISTS, 269, 284.
Lambert, Francois, 213.
La Minerve, 89.
Langegger, Hansen, 170.
Langenmantel, Eitelbans, 161, 165.
Languedoc, 85, 88, 232.
Laodicea, 52, 281.
Lausanne, 234, 373.
Leade, Jane, 281.
Leclerc, Pierre and Jean, 211;
Jean, 212, 213-214.
Leeds, 277.
Leeuwarden, 186.
Lehmann, Gottfried Wilhelm, 340.
Lenz, Paul, 178.
Leo III, the Isaurian, Byzantine Emperor, 47, 48, 52.
Leo IV, Byzantine Emperor, grandson of Leo the Isaurian, 48.
Leo the Armenian, Byzantine Emperor, 52.
Leo X, Pope, 115.
Leonhard, Count, 157.
Leonidas, 10.
Leupold, Hans, 165.
Leutweil, 344.
Leyden (Holland), 245, 262; John of (see Bockelson), 180, 183, 184.
Lhota, 130, 153.
Lichtenstein, Hans von, 157.
Liebich, Jorg, 176.
Liegnitz, 205.
Linz, 170.
Lipan, battle of, 126.
Lissa (Lesno), 136.
LITERATURE, Catholic preserved, that of Dissidents destroyed, 11; attraction of classic, 36; of believers in Asia Minor destroyed, 44; of Bogomils destroyed, 65; called "heretical,"destroyed, 105-016, 123; renaissance, 113; Kralitz Bible basis of Czech, 134; of those called "Anabaptists", destroyed, 153-154, 164; used to confound different lines of teaching, 184.
Lititz, 129."Little Prophets", 232.
Livry, forest of, 211.
Llangeitho, 287.
Llanvachery, 286.
Llanvaches, 286.
Lodensteyn, Jodocus van, 258, 259, 260.
LOLLARDS, 36, 105, 111; name,117; 122, 185, 235, 239, 395.
Lombardy ,96.
London, 82, 114; congregations of believers in, 122; 123, 236-237; church in, 239; 257; Teelinck, in, 258 Peter Boehler in, 276, John Wesley in 289; revival in,290; J H Evans preaches in,368; J N Darby in, 372; meetings in, 381.
LORD'S COMING, THE EXPECTA- TION OF, 12, 283, 373, 379.
LORD'S SUPPER, THE (See BREAKING OF BREAD), Change Of Meaning Attached To, 9; Priscillian objects to taking L.S. with worldly persons, 38-39; given to unbelievers, 43; view attributed to Bogomils, 59; among Waldenses,99; taken by "Friends of God"in the mountains, 110; taken at Tabor by Hussites, 125; liberty to take, admitted at Council of Basle, 126; in relation to the church question, 147; 164; in Zurich, 168; in Munster, 181; understood by Menno from Scripture, 187; corrupted, 188; true,189; Pilgrim Marbeck on, 194, 196; desecrated, 199; Schwenckfeld on, 200; discontinued by Schwenckfeld and by Lutheran clergy in Liegnitz, 205, 206; in Pau, 221; at Pre l'Eveque, 223; and the Mass, 226; in Church of England, 247; not observed by the Friends, 253; Labadie and, 256, 263, 265; Spener abstains from, 271; in Edinburgh, 300, 301; in Geneva,303; 307; at Brush Run, 308;
Mennonites and, 321; liberty to take, 323; Oncken and, 340;
Cronin and, 348; A. N. Groves and, 350; natives of India and,359; in Bristol, 365; J. H.
Evans and, 369; set aside by the Friends, 394.
Lorraine, 214, 217.
LOT, THE, 276.
Louis, king of Aquitaine, later Emperor, 49.
Louis XIV, king of France, 231, 233, 257, 279.
Louis XVI, king of France, 234.
Loyola, Ignatius, 150-151.
Lubeck, 272.
Lucas, Cyril, 324-325.
Ludwig of Bavaria, Emperor,102, 104, 106, 110.
Lukas of Prague, 131, 132.
Lusitania (Portugal), fourth century reformation in, 36, 37.
Luther, Dr. Martin, 92, 112; found by Staupitz in Erfurt,116; and the Bohemian brethren, 132; 149; 157, 172, 179, 184, 186, 199; and Schwenckfeld, 200,201; 209, 212, 213, 218, 221, 235, 246, 393, 394.
LUTHERAN CHURCH, formation of,145, 147; Luther's opinion of,148-149; alarmed at spread of the brethren, 154; requirements for unity of, 160; 196, 199, 205; persecutes Schwenckfeld, 206; 246, 270; Pietist Societies within the, 272; and Moravians, 275-276; 283, 284, 391, 393.
Lutterworth, 118, 121.
Lyons, Irenaeus bishop of, 8;
Peter Waldo of, 92; expulsion of Poor Men of, 93; edict against brethren, 154.Macedonia, name given to Kibossa,52; early preaching of Gospel in,68.

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