Introduction Pilgrim Church Glossary Cross-Reference
TABORITES, 125, 126.
Introduction Pilgrim Church Glossary Cross-Reference
Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Take, 80.
Tamerlane, 81.
Tartary 78.
Ta Ts'in, 78, 79, 82.
Tauler, Dr. Johannes, 106, 107, 108, 109, 116, 142, 282.
Tauris Talbriz, 81.
Taurus Mountains, 45, 47, 54, 65, 74, 90.
Teelinck Willem, 258-260.
Teignmouth 361.
Temple destroyed, 4.
Tennessee, 313.
Tephrice, 55, 56.
Tepl,112, 113.
Tersteegen, Gerhard, 283, 394.
Tertullian, condemns infant baptisrn, enjoins liberty in religion,9; becoming Montanist separates from Catholic body, 13; two or three form a church. 13; opposes Marcion, 13.
Te Tsung Chinese Emperor, 78.
Tetzel, 142.
Theodora re-establishes images,48; persecutes the brethren, 50;52, 55.
Theodore of Mopsuestia, 74.
Theodosius 11, Byzantine Emperor, 74.
Theophilus Byzantine Emperor,48.
THIRTY YEARS' WAR, 136, 193, 270.
THONRAK , name given to primitive churches in Asia Minor, 43; doctrine found in "Key of
Truth", 53-55; opinions about,59-60.
Thrace, 57
Thuringia, 111.
Tiflis, 334, 350.
Timotheus name adopted by Genesios, 51-52.
Timur see Tamerlane, 81.
Tinnevelly, 359.
Titus name adopted by Simeon,
Paulican elder, 46, 51.
Toeltschig, 274, 277.
Tolouse, 87; Raymond VI, Count of, 88; Council of, 89, 96, 222.
Tours, Martin, bishop of, 37; council at, 96.
Toussaint, Pierre, 213, 214.
TRADITION, not necessary for guidance of churches, 22.
Transcaucasia, 335, 351.
TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE, Septuagint, Hebrew into Greek, 4; in monasteries, 33; by British monks, 35; Nestorian , into Sogdianese, 78; 79; Franciscan into language of Cathay, 82; Robert
Morrison, Bible into Chinese,82; Roman Catholic missionary,
Latin into Chinese, 82; in use in Metz in German, 96; New
Testament into early German,112; Erasmus Greek New Testament with Latin, 114; Wycliff, into English, 118; effect of
English t, 121; into Czech,
Kralitz Bible, 134; Luther into
German, 143; Denck and Hetzer the Prophets into German, 162;
Le Fevre, New Testament and
Psalms into French, 210; Olivetan, Bible into French, 220,223; Tyndale into English, 235- 237; Authorised Version influenced by Tyndale's, 236; Coverdale, into English, 238; Tyndale's forbidden 238 Authorized Version into English, 248;
Eliot, into an Indian language,249; into German Marburg
Bible, 281; into German, Berleburg Bible, 281; Cyril, part of
New Testament into old Russian, 323; Yaroslav parts of
Bible into Little Russian, 323;
Archbishop of Novgorod, Bible into Russian, 323; into Russian,327; 392.
Wycliff, 118; Thomas Badly burnt for denying, 122.
Transylvania, 225.
Trebizond, 55.
Treves (Trier), 37, 104.
Trichinopoly, 358.
Trier, see Treves, 37.
Tubingen, University, 320.
Turin, Claudius, bishop of, 49, 50, 91.
Turkestan, 80, 319.
Tvrtko, Bosnian Ban, becomes king, 64.
Tyn church, Prague, 129,135.
Tyndale, William, 235-238.
Tyre, 10.
Tyrol, entrance of Gospel into,170; magistrate defend themselves against charge of laxity in persecution, 174; many baptized by Mandl, 176; Marbeck a native of, 196.UNITARIANISM, opposed by Calvin,224; permitted in Poland and
Transylvania, 225.
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