Introduction Pilgrim Church Glossary Cross-Reference
Gainsborough, 244.
Introduction Pilgrim Church Glossary Cross-Reference
Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Gallen, St., 160, 161, 169.
Gap, 209, 212, 215.
Gascony, 85.
Gaussen, 303, 373.
Gemadius, Patriarch, 60.
Genesios, 51, 52.
Geneva, 220; Froment in, 223;
Calvin in, 224-225; 228; Labadie in, 257, 259, 262; Haldane in,302-303; 304, 373.
Genghis Khan, 79.
Genoa, 110.
George, Duke of Saxony, 144.
Georgen, St., 175.
Georges, Barbe from Calabria, 218.
Georgia, 288, 289, 290.
Gilles, St., 85.
Giwargis, 80.
Glasgow, 307.
Gloucester, 290.
GNOSTIC, GNOSTICISM, 6, 14, 16, 37, 38.
Godaveri Delta, 354, 357, 360.
Gomersal, 277.
Gonin, Martin, 217, 218, 219.
Gonthier, 303.
GOOD MEN, title given to believers,87.
Gorlitz, 273.
Gorz, 170.
Grand Charm, Emperor of the
Tartars, 81.
Granson, 216, 218.
Gratian, Roman Emperor, 37.
Grebel, Konrad, 168, 169.
Gregory, Magistros, 52, 53.
Gregory of Narek, 59.
Gregory the Patriarch, 129, 130.
Gregory I, Pope, 35.
Gregory IX, Pope, 97.
Grellet, Etienne de, 326.
Grenoble, 209, 233, 234.
Groote, Gerhard, 141-142.
Groves, Anthony Norris, 347-348; journey to and stay in Bagdad,349-354; in India, missionary principles, 354-360; 361, 371, 372; letter to Darby, 380-381; 385.
Groves, Mary, 349-353.
Guerin, Jean, 303.
Guers, 303.
GUILDS, 103-104, 154.
Guise, Duke of, 230.
Guyenne, 256.
Guyon, Madame de la Mothe, 279, 280, 281, 394.Hake William, 370.
Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z