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Testing the 74 Theory  Read on screen! …   As a web page
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A new friend recently suggested that there was some significance in a certain number, and how you could add up letters in words from the English language to equal it.
He felt that God had shown him that this number was 74.

And that these words pointed to the gospel and Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As he wrote out certain words and gave them a numeric value, they added up by his numeric system to 74;
it was fascinatingly like a card trick.

Now there was nothing exotic in how he demonstrated this,
(ignoring other symbols like: ’ apostrophes) the letters of the English alphabet,
all treated as the same case, were simply assigned successive numbers,
following this pattern — starting with:

A/a = 1, B/b = 2,

C/c = 3 . . . and on to . . . Y/y = 25, Z/z = 26.

So if you do this to the word gospel:–
g o s p e l

– it all adds up to 74!

It works with words like: the word “English” –of course, “cross”, “Jesus”, “Messiah”, and “preacher”, among many others. Pretty well 99% conclusive wouldn’t you think?

My new friend volunteered, that some might see a problem, in that “Lucifer” which he hadn’t listed when he gave the list to us, also added up to 74 by his method.
He mentioned some have said, that in the original language it might have pointed elsewhere in the Bible to Christ as “light bearer” (Solving it?—Nah!) . . .

It all needed solid testing!

Read on screen! … “Testing the 74 Theory
online here:   As a web page

PDFS for Screen and Print —

Testing The 74 Theory
Printing Out:
Use One of These PDFs
Project Source Archive –
A4 for screen and print
A4 booklet (on A3)
(You'd need to know generally how to programme.)
Testing the 74 Theory Project Files 1.0.7z
